Thursday, November 15, 2012

List Building Strategies - Top 10 Tips

It has been said that the money is in your list, so I believe that if you want to run a successful business, it has to be part of your strategy. With this in mind, how can you implement the right list building strategies that will work for your business? Here are my top 10 tips.
1. Make the decision to have a list
Building a list is an essential part of running a service based business, such as coaching. Make the decision to not only create a list, but build a list that works effectively alongside the other marketing and business strategies in your business.
2. Choose the right email marketing provider
The most effective way of having a list is by signing up for an email marketing provider, such as Aweber, MailChimp, Infusionsoft, ConstantContact or 1ShoppingCart. This allows you to automate your systems, create autoresponder messages and much more. Make sure you start with the end in mind when choosing the email provider and that the functionality will support you as your business grows.
3. Focus on your ideal clients
When you set up in business it is easy to be a generalist, but this won't help you to grow your business. When you are known as a specialist in your area of expertise, it is easier to attract clients through referral and recommendation. In terms of your email list, people will feel like you are talking to them when they sign up on your website and be interested in your services.
4. Give people a reason to opt-in to your list
It is no longer enough to expect people to sign up to your newsletter. We get bombarded with information every day so it is essential to give people a reason to opt-in to your list and stay loyal. This is when knowing your ideal client is important as you can provide them with something that interests them, and maybe solves a problem that they have. A free report, top tips sheet, video series, audio recording or an interview are some good ideas to get you started.
5. Share useful information
As well as sending people your freebie (by autoresponder of course!), share useful information with your subscribers. Share your best content as this shows you in your greatest light. If you are wondering what to share, start with top tips, comment on recent news articles, link to notable events, and tell people what you are doing in your business.
6. Follow up regularly
One mistake I see people making is not following up regularly with their subscribers. OK, there is a fine line. You don't want to bombard people with too much information, but it is a mistake not to keep in touch too. Find the strategy that works for you, schedule it in your diary and then just do it. In the early days you may find that you have a few people on your list (and some may be your friends and family!), but in doing this you will get into the routine of keeping in touch. By the way, if you are not a writer and this all daunts you, choose something like a video message instead.
7. Tell people how you can help them
Ultimately people have signed up to your list because they want help with something in their life. They've seen your website or have met you live and they want you to help them to solve a problem or give them some inspiration. So it makes sense to tell people how you can help them, whether you are running group programmes or one to one sessions. Just note the fine line between marketing your services and sharing useful information.
8. Develop your tribe
Think about your list as a tribe who are interested in what you have to say. They are not a 'list'; they are individual people with whom you want to share. Find out what they want - you could do a survey or offer them one to one time - and then give them this information.
9. Have a list building mindset
List building doesn't have to be confined to your website, working for you in the background. Develop a list building mindset where every day you are finding ways to organically grow your list. If you are speaking at an event, ask people if they would like your freebie. If you are at a networking event, ask people (the right ones!) whether they would like to opt-in to get your information. Add your list opt-in form to your social media sites too. Just don't spam people, please!
10. Think quality not quantity
There are many people out there with thousands of people on their list and you don't have to be one of them (unless you want to be!) The important thing is to have quality not quantity, ultimately people who will benefit from you and buy your services. Numbers are not important but relationships are, so take time to cultivate and nurture the people on your list, provide valuable and educational information and encourage two-way communication and interaction.
Copyright Karen Williams 2012. All Rights Reserved
Karen Williams runs Self Discovery Coaching and is the author of The Secrets of Successful Coaches, which reached #1 in the Business charts on Amazon. Having interviewed 24 top performance coaches, Karen has learnt from the experts how to create a successful coaching business and mentors coaches to do the same.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Discover and Rejoice With the Internet Radio

The radio is not only a channel for audio data transfer, today it is thought to be an inevitable part of cultural and everyday life, and the target audiences of different radio channels cover absolutely all age, status and social groups. There is nothing surprising about it - there is such a large variety of radio channels that everyone can choose one according to their taste.
In turn, every single channel is not limited in what to broadcast even if it has a clearly defined specialization - no matter what channel you decide to listen today, you will most likely hear both music and the news, both entertaining and educational programs. As soon as you find the appropriate channel for yourself, be ready to perceive a whole lot of information about the latest tendencies in fashion, music, culture, be updated on the social and political life, get weather forecasts and horoscopes as well as enjoy loads of good music and discover new talented singers and bands.
New performers seeking for fame value the radio just as much for the facility to get heard among an impressive lot of both loyal and casual radio listeners. Music producers try their best to establish new and keep up the existing contacts with at least several radio stations in offer to get known through taking part in their programs and events.
No matter who you are - a musician, a producer or just a fan, the radio can provide you with quite a lot of possibilities for your best convenience. The most important one is that the broadcast is in real time, so you get only the relevant and up-to-date information that may be actually helpful to you. People who have got used to multitasking particularly like it that they can leave the radio on and keep doing their work so that they can hear something curios or just enjoy beautiful music without getting distracted. Communication is not less important - in most cases feedback is encouraged, and you can participate in the broadcast simply calling the radio station or contacting them in written so that your message is announced.
One has a lot of opportunities for listening to the radio - a casual radio receiver is perfect for home use while you can access the radio from your MP3 player or cell phone while being in the way, and the Internet radio is comfortable for listening wherever you are. The last way is the most convenient and preferred by music fans all over the world, and it is quite reasonable - Internet radio players give quick access to thousands of channels that are not limited by the local ones, so you can listen to any radio program that is broadcast anywhere in the world. Moreover, there are radio channels that are available only on the Net, for example, ones for different subcultures, groups of interests, underground music etc. What's more, many web resources encourage the users to create their own channels - everyone wants to speak their mind out loud and be heard, right?
At home and in the office, on your computer and portable multimedia device, the Internet radio is always there with you so that being instantly informed and having many ideas for a good leisure are your certain privileges, so why not make use of them and try something totally new.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Marketing Tips Using Custom Facebook

The best contribution Facebook can give your business is being able to effectively market it. Let us face it; we are in the age of Facebook. Entrepreneurs know it and that is why they are taking advantage of the social media. Since almost all of their market is on it, it is easier to broadcast whatever they want people to know. However, spreading the news is only possible if the business has a popular page with a good number of fans.
If you want to take advantage of Facebook, here are some marketing tips to keep in mind:
1. Convince people to become a fan of your page. The moment a Facebook user opens your page, you have to be able to persuade them to click on the Like button. One way to do that is to choose a good cover. Cover is one of the unique features Facebook added in its new timeline view. It is an image that appears on top of your page. Since this is the first thing your visitors will see, you have to make it impressive.
Aside from the cover, you can also make your About or information section inviting. Instead of just putting the name of your page, write something that will invite your visitors to like it. This remains true for your profile picture as well.
2. Post something that is relevant to your product. Focus on subjects that are closely related to your goods and services. If you are going to feature a blog or write an article using Facebook notes, see to it that your fans will be able to understand why you are writing it. For instance, if you are selling bags, post updates that will educate your fans about bags. This is what they expect when they visit your page. It could be about how to properly store or clean them
3. Communicate with your fans. One way of doing that is by starting a poll or asking a question on your timeline. It can be related to recent events, new features on your page and anything that is deemed interesting for your fans. Interesting questions are great way to build good relationship with your fans.
Marketing on the new Facebook timeline fanpage can do wonders for your business. However, it is crucial that you know how to do it right. There is no absolute right way of doing things on Facebook as the site continues to evolve. However, the above tips will definitely help you attract fans, keep them interested and gain their loyalty.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

All About Adult Incontinence Products

When someone first begins experiencing incontinence they often feel alone, embarrassed, and even ashamed at the lack of control they are experiencing. However, it is important to understand that you are not alone. Studies show that several million people of all ages, health status, and both genders are dealing with incontinence. The good news is that there is a wide range of adult incontinence products that can help anyone continue on with their daily activities while still managing their incontinence.
The key to successfully managing your incontinence is to educate yourself about all of the options that are available and then choose the right incontinence undergarment that work best for your needs. Once you have the right incontinence underwear and other incontinence management strategies in place then you can continue on with the daily activities that you want to be doing. It should be stressed that there are incontinence products for men and for women so that each gender can find the product that works best for their gender, size, type and severity of problem. Keeping all of these factors in mind will help the sufferer to be able to successfully manage his or her incontinence.
  • Incontinence undergarments - There is a wide variety of incontinence undergarments. Each of these incontinence undergarments is designed to provide a certain level of absorbency and protection for the wearer. The wearer will need to determine the correct incontinence undergarment for their needs depending on their gender, size, and type and severity of incontinence. The incontinence sufferer who is choosing a product will also need to take into account their lifestyle and activity level since certain kinds of products lend themselves more effective in managing incontinence for the wearer. Finally, adults who are looking for the right product should also take into consideration that their protection needs may vary from day to night and even from day to day so having a variety of undergarments on hand is recommended.

  • Incontinence pads - Many people (both women and men), have only light incontinence symptoms. If you fall into this category you may find that using an incontinence pad is enough protection. There are pads for both men and women that provide protection where each gender needs it the most. These pads can be used inside normal underwear to help manage light incontinence or they can be worn in conjunction with an incontinence undergarment in order to boost the protection and efficacy. Many types of incontinence underwear come with a special pouch that allows the wearer to change his or her incontinence pad without having to take off their underwear.

  • Incontinence bed pads - Another effective product is the incontinence bed pad. These are pads that are used to protect bedding and furniture from the damage that can be done by incontinence accidents. Incontinence bed pads come in both reusable and disposable forms and are used to cover any surface that may need protecting from incontinence accidents.
Other incontinence products - There is a variety of other adult incontinence products that include but are not limited to: skin products for protecting and cleaning the skin, urine collection devices, and even physical therapy tools for helping in the treatment of incontinence. All of these products can be found on sites that offer incontinence supplies.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

ADHD and a Military Career

Can my son or daughter with ADHD serve in the US military? Many ADHD support groups receive this question from concerned parents or teens who want to know if their ADHD symptoms or treatments disqualify them from a military career. Often, they find that there is no easy answer to this question, especially when different military recruiters tend to provide them with incomplete or inaccurate answers.
A simplistic answer to this question would be maybe, and changes look good if your symptoms are under control and you do not take medications for ADHD. Enlisting to serve in the US military is a multi-step process with different criteria for eligibility, and it's possible for someone with ADHD to meet them despite their symptoms. Generally, the criteria fall into two categories: aptitude and skills required for military service, and physical standards, both of which are evaluated at all Military Entrance and Processing Stations.
In order to make it to the next round, every candidate has to take and pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, a timed test that measures aptitude in word knowledge, mathematics knowledge, mathematics reasoning, general science, mechanical comprehension, auto information, and electronics information. There are no special accommodations allowed for this test.
Physical standards
Aside from testing for aptitude and skills, candidates also have to pass the Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Inductions. This would involve taking a complete psychiatric/medical history as well as a comprehensive physical exam. Candidates with ADHD should take note of the Directive 6130.3 from the Department of Defense, which states the following criteria for rejection:
a) Personality, behavioral, or conduct disorders. If the psychological testing and interview reveals that ADHD symptoms and other conduct problems will interfere with the candidate's performance in the military, he or she will be disqualified.
b) Academic skills defects. If the candidate has a long history of academic problems or perceptual defects that interfere with schoolwork after 12 years, or if the candidate takes medication to maintain or improve academic skills, he or she will be disqualified.
The good news is that the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard can grant waivers to certain individuals who do not pass the basic criteria listed above. The reasons for the waiver depend on the circumstances and vary from one case to another. However, it seems that academic aptitude without the use of ADHD medication increases your chances of getting a waiver. Generally speaking, the military disqualifies any candidate who needs to take daily medication to maintain their health or to keep chronic disorders at bay. For examples, candidates with asthma, chronic bronchitis, or coronary heart disease are just some of the many medical conditions that can disqualify an individual from a military career. So try not to feel "singled out" if your use of ADHD medications keeps you from joining the military.
Give it a shot
If you have your heart set on a military career despite your ADHD, try not to be swayed by the possibility of disqualification. The military still encourages individuals with ADHD to give it a shot together with other career options. Talk to a good recruiter and send in your application, and be completely honest about your medical history and educational background. Being disqualified from the military now is much better than getting honorably discharged for giving false information.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tips for Getting Your Point Across When No One Is Listening

Disclaimer. You're probably reading this because you want to be heard, and I'm going to talk about how to listen. Because that's how to be heard. Become a good listener.
The three primary ingredients of conversation are: Inquiry, Acknowledgment, and Advocacy.
  • Inquiry is about learning, curiosity, and doing your best to understand how something looks to someone else.
  • Acknowledgement is letting that someone know you've heard them.
  • Advocacy is inviting them to hear you.
If advocating is all you do, you will have few listeners. They'll get tired or bored. If, on the other hand, you are a skilled listener, people will flock to you. And they will listen back.
5 Skills for Becoming a Good Listener
These are mine. I'd love to hear yours.
#1) Presence
Be there. Be tranquil. There is no need to be anywhere else. As Brenda Ueland writes in her magical 1992 article from the San Jose Mercury News: Say to yourself: "Now. What is happening now? This friend is talking. I am quiet. There is endless time. I hear it, every word."
Make eye contact. Listen for what is not being said. When thoughts stray (I wonder what's for dinner?), bring them back to the speaker.
#2) Posture
Stand or sit next to the speaker without tables or barriers between you. Aim for side by side. If a table is necessary, make it a round one. Or sit caddy-corner to the speaker.
#3) Be Curious
When I asked a coaching client what it would take to pose a question in a tone that sounded like he really wanted to explore rather than judge, he said: "I'd actually have to BE curious. "We had a good laugh realizing the obvious. And... Yes. That's it. You actually have to BE curious. It's a powerful state of mind.
#4) Ask Questions Like This
  • Can you tell me your thinking on this issue?
  • If you could have your way in this, what would that look like?
  • What else can you tell me about the problem?
  • What's the ideal solution as you see it?
  • Can you give me three or four ideas that would work for you?
  • How do you think we should proceed?
What's important is that:
  • You ask sincere questions that you don't know the answer to.
  • You help the speaker reflect on his/her thinking.
  • You proceed as if you're attempting to solve a puzzle.
#5) Acknowledge and Clarify Like This
  • What I hear you saying is (.....).
  • That sounds important. Can you say more about why you think that?
  • What specifically would you like me to do differently?
  • Can you describe what I do or say that makes me appear aggressive (passive, not interested, angry, etc.)?
  • Which part of the project are you concerned about?
  • From what you say about (.....), you are hoping for (.....).
  • Thank you for this information.
  • I appreciate your thinking on this.
  • Is there anything else?
Acknowledging is simply repeating back to the speaker what you just heard and asking clarifying questions. It's only hard because we subconsciously equate acknowledgment with agreement. They are different. Listening and acknowledging what you hear are not the same as agreeing with what you hear.
That's right: Listening and acknowledgement ≠ agreement.
Advocacy and The Art of Persuasion: 3 Tips for Being Heard
#1) State your view of the situation with something like:
  • I feel differently (if you do).
  • From my point of view, here's what I think would be useful....
  • I agree with (.....). I also think it's important to consider (.....), if we're going to have a lasting solution.
  • When you said (.....), it made me think of (.....). I think it would be useful to explore this area more thoroughly because....
#2) Both/And
Help clarify your position without minimizing your partner's. Include your partner's words wherever possible. Example: I hear you strongly advocating for extra sick-leave in your contract, and I would love to be able to accommodate. I can't at this point because of monetary limits. However, can we revisit this topic in 12 months. Would that work for you?
You can find more examples of Advocacy language in my "Step-By-Step Checklist" article for difficult conversations and in "Being Heard: 6 Strategies for Getting Your Point Across."
#3) Avoid Selling or Telling
The most useful strategy for being heard is to educate. Help your partner see what you're seeing. And since you have listened so well, your advocacy will be different. You'll address areas of agreement as well as places where you differ. You will go back to Inquiry occasionally as you test solutions (What do you think? Could my theory work?). And you'll be more solution-oriented.
Opening the Door
You can't make someone hear you. The funny thing is, when you push for your way, you virtually guarantee failure. When you open the door for someone else, however, they almost always hold it open for you.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Successfully Through Technical Analysis, Perspective and Philosophy

There you sit, your hundred dollar bills vanishing before your very eyes. Your a beginning Forex Trader and your in over your head, you chalk up loss after loss maintaining your pride that you'll turn things around with the next few trades. One thing leads to another and you've managed to drain your entire account in less than 3 months. This is the most common story associated with aspiring Forex traders, thus the extremely high attrition rate. Why do so many aspiring Forex Traders fail? Lets break it down:
1. Lack of Knowledge
2. Lack of Discipline
Obviously knowledge is a broad concept, but the mission of this article is to expose why some potential Forex traders fail and others succeed, thus knowledge cannot be under-stated. Anybody who is good or great at anything in life usually has more knowledge than their peers in relation to at least one aspect of the subject matter. This is obvious, one must be knowledgeable especially concerning their potential lively-hood. I'm glad we all agree on this. However, lets dig deeper into this issue of such a high attrition rate. The number is incredibly high for a couple of reasons:
1. Ease of Electronic Trading
2. Potential for huge payoffs via leverage
The Forex Market is being advertised more and made easier to use everyday. This is great news for any product or market. However, this will simply translate into an even high attrition rate for the Forex Market. Why? Because the number of potential traders will increase from advertising and ease of electronic trading. This increase in numbers will consist of 9 out of 10 "new" traders having zero knowledge in all critical areas of Trading the Forex Market. These 9 out of 10 "new" traders, have one goal in mind, "win money". In turn, they have no risk management structure, no technical perspective and certainly no trading philosophy are defined strategy. Therefore, these "new" traders that will be contributing to increasing attrition rates might as well go hit up their local casinos for some blackjack, slots and roulette. Seriously, have a fabulous time, order drinks and stay in the Ace's suite for the night. If you not going to take the time to gain the necessary knowledge to trade the Forex, don't waste your time and money.
On the other hand, if your one of the few who never back down and have a deep inner desire to succeed in everything you do, including learning how to trade the Forex Market, you have a magnificent journey ahead of you. So many times, unknowing people will bad-mouth the Forex Market as something negative or something to stay away from. The truth is, when one takes the time to gain the knowledge and perspective of learning how to trade the Forex Market, they will inevitably find that one CAN indeed consistently profit large amounts of money from Trading the Forex Market. In other words, for most it will remain a mystery, however for the select few who push forward with gaining the necessary knowledge, they will uncover a world of profiting from price action and crowd movement. The question is, do you want to take the necessary time to gain knowledge and learn the ins and outs of the Forex Market?
Find resources that not only provide tons of great material for beginning traders, but also provide an ongoing educational process. Forex Trading Success is developed through learning about Perspective, Strategy and Philosophy. Find Traders who have been through the journey of Forex Trading beginner to Forex Trading professionals and are on a mission to bridge the gap between aspirations and success.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Transcript Services That Can Be Used for TV Programs

Television has got to be one of the most powerful modes of entertainment. This wonder infotainment box can be found in almost all homes regardless of whether the owners are rich or poor. It has almost become an integral part of people's life. Through satellite network, numerous television programs are broadcasted by various television stations. All these normally look for professional Television transcription services.
People from different parts of the globe normally speak different languages. This means that TV channels should be able to broadcast their programs with subtitles that are written in different languages to appeal to a huge crowd. This is where the professional transcriber comes in to ensure that the program can be watched by the maximum number of people. There are also a huge percentage of people who have hearing disabilities. Captioning is usually done so as to help them follow what is going on in the screen with ease.
High quality transcription service providers normally use the latest innovations and software to do their job. Software is usually very easy to use and makes the work much faster. This however needs to be handled with care as a person needs to know exactly how it works if they are planning on using it. There are some companies that also employ professional transcriptionists to handle their assignments making sure that they are of high quality and are handed in at the right time within the stipulated deadlines. Most usually have 24hr TAT while some work with fast TAT of 12 hours.
Top transcription companies usually work with different types of Video storage methods like CDs, DV tapes, DVDs and VHS tape among many others. They also support a number of movie and video formats like RM, WMV, WMA, RM, MP3, MOV, WAV and FLV. The front runners in the industry offer their services for kids programs, light entertainment, comedy, educational programs, sports, science, current affairs, news and religious programs.
Popular television transcription companies also offer time coding and stamping services. They can also handle a variety of B-roll footages that come with uncut footage, supplement shot, raw footage and cut scene cut shots among many others.
Although most of the television transcription service providers are equipped with the best equipment to handle the job; accuracy of the final product depends on the quality of the video file that they are working on. A poor quality tape usually needs more time for transcription thus it is important to make sure you hand in high quality tapes.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Making a Good First Impression in Business

When we meet someone, the first five minutes usually establishes the "first impression trajectory." First impressions are decisive of whether a relationship will be short-lived or flourish. The same holds true in business. An owner should always lead with the best features of the business. The window for convincing a consumer that a product or service can meet their needs is relatively small. The conveyed information should do a few things: (1) hold the consumers' attention, (2) inform, (3) and convince them of the value.
We live in a world overflowing with consumerism where people have many options of where to take their business. Consumers are faced with a barrage of products and services. You have to make the best first impression. The initial opportunity to garner an audience can be through advertising or sampling of products. However you orchestrate that first introduction, it needs to happen. It is the precursor to generating and maintaining the interest of the consumer. You can grab a consumer's complete attention when what you are offering is relevant to their needs. Take the time to create an effective marketing blurb. The blurb should not be a sales pitch, but a recurring theme that keeps the consumer interested.
Next, you must educate the consumer. This will include relevant information on use of products, benefits, and how to get the product or service. It is often said that you may describe something by describing what it's not. However, that is not the best impression. Never define something negatively. Suppose you meet someone for the first time and they begin the conversation by saying: "I am not a liar, I am not thief." That would be really awkward. The same is true for promoting your business that way. Start with the good news! What is this product or service? Why is it special or different? This can help you get your foot in the (consumer's) door. Don't be repetitive. People only need to hear information once, or else you might alienate them.
Finally, you must convince consumers why what you have is better than your competitors. Generally consumers will do their own comparisons. If you can create a platform for that comparison, you should. This includes answering the ultimate question of why a consumer should buy your product instead of another. Don't spend much time on the competitor, but showcase what is great about your product or service. Uniqueness is a key selling factor because it is the main differentiator. Highlight the value to ensure a lasting impression on the consumer and manage their expectations.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Orphan Ship Review

Jake O'Brien, one of the central characters in Sterling Walker's science fiction novel Orphan Ship, has just received some bad news. The medical school he has been attending is closing down due to financial problems; and to make matters worse, the only other medical program in the world also happens to be on another planet. Thus, in pursuit of his dream to become a doctor, Jake packs his suitcase and jumps on board the passenger ship Atlanta. Destination: Mars!
When Jake and his cousin Lorina Murphy journeyed to Mars Station in search of educational opportunities, they never guessed they would turn into life savers. But due to the extreme poverty and child exploitation occurring on Mars, these two cousins are forced (by fate) to embrace their true destiny. However, they are not alone in their effort to save the impoverished "street kids" from slavery and oppression. Early in the story these two self-sacrificing heroes are joined by the crew of the Ishmael - a passenger craft that, in the course of the story, is converted into a rescue ship and a haven of safety for over one hundred homeless children.
In this multi-dimensional science fiction novel, Walker incorporates a number of different themes and sub-plots. While fighting the merciless villains responsible for selling the vulnerable "street kids" of Mars Station, the colorful characters of Orphan Ship also manage to fall in love, find wealth, and form lasting friendships. Jake O'Brien even fulfills his fundamental purpose for traveling to Mars in the first place: for on board the Ishmael, he secures a position as the ship's physician.
Despite these important novelistic elements - including Walker's careful attention to detail and his uncanny ability to create entertaining dialogue - the real strength of the story rests in the character's expression of "fellow-feeling." Amidst this anarchical milieu in which they find themselves, the characters in Orphan Ship retain a sense of social responsibility and spiritual commitment. For example, at one point in the story, appalled by the way the homeless children have been abandoned by society, Lorina notices "a pair of black children sitting under a streetlight begging food from passersby." Yet "no one gave the children a second glance." Fortunately, however, Lorina and her newfound friends - the crew of the Ishmael, which soon becomes the "The Orphan Ship" - do indeed care for the children of Mars Station; as they join forces to provide them safe passage to earth and also a home. In this way the theme of compassion is the centerpiece of the entire novel.
Containing potent symbolism, which grounds this futuristic narrative within a larger mythic-moral context, Orphan Ship is a sort of spiritual parable; as this tale exceeds the somewhat narrow scope (and subject matter) of your average science fiction novel. Combining elements of humor and romance with a strong theme of friendship, Mr. Walker's science fiction thriller is well worth reading.